Outdoor Power Equipment: How to Select a Battery for Your Mower?

4 Lawnmowers Fire Prevention Tips in Huntsville

Lawnmowers are a must-have outdoor power equipment that helps keep your lawn in perfect condition. But you should also know about the risks of using a lawnmower, including the risk of a fire. Our Alabama lawnmower experts provide some tips on proper usage of...
How to Maximize Life of Your Lawn Mower?

How to Maximize Life of Your Lawn Mower?

Lawn mowers have become indispensable outdoor power equipment for many homeowners. All mowers have a limited lifespan that ranges between five to seven years. You can extend the life of the mower through basic maintenance activities. Here we will share tips of our...
Outdoor Power Equipment: How to Select a Battery for Your Mower?

How to Replace Spark Plugs of DR Power Mowers?

Power mowers do a great job of maintaining the lawn. They can cut grass as long as there is gas in the engine and the spark plug is clean. In this blog post you will learn when and how to replace the spark plug of a mower. Replacing Mower Spark Plug The spark plug...